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 ‘Catch Myself Talking To You’ RELEASE DATE: 26th April 2023. Cover Artwork by Scott McBain Photography

This Ep is a little different to my other works.  Normally I write tunes and get some of my favourite musicians to help me realise them.  Not for this one though.

These are all me. They are as I have written them, my ideas, feels, accompaniments, vocals, production, everything… Thanks to my good friend Andy Scott for mixing them and William Bowden for Mastering.


1.     Had Enough (Know you’ve got a little more)– Written after moving to Coogee from Marrickville.  An exercise in self talk, written to help me break some negative thought patterns and get moving again.    

2.     Comin To See You My Friend. – The first song I wrote this year.  I needed a holiday and made the time to drive my little Mini up the coast to QLD to visit some of my close friends along the way.  A solo adventure and worth every minute.  A reconnection to people that matter most to me.

3.     I’ve Lost My Best Friend – This one is for Jo.  It’s the recording from the morning I wrote it, including the vocals which nearly killed me to sing.  Written on a rainy morning, exactly as it came out, creaky guitars and all.

4.     Look Up From Your Phone. – A song I like and have had in my back pocket for a while. I decided to revisit it and finish it properly.  I took a little of Jo’s ‘Fuk it’ attitude and so here it is.

The Story…

In 2022 I lost my best friend Jo Thoms, a true legend, to Cancer. She was 49. 

Her passing brought about some significant life changes for me.

I cleaned up my lifestyle, made an effort to reconnect with people, moved back to the beach and got back into music making after a number of years just not feeling it.  I also took some time for me, sacrificing my busy work lifestyle to reflect, rest and rejuvenate.  I made space and let me be.

I can’t help but feel Jo has pulled a few strings to get me back on my feet.  She has heavily influenced my journey at this time.

Thanks Jo for always supporting me and my music.  I dedicate this recording to you. I forgot how much making music is important to my soul, it’s helped bring back some light in dark times.  I don’t think I’ll ever recover from your loss yet I have felt you close to me throughout this process and attribute my motivation to you.  I also dedicate this Ep to Michael McGlynn.  Another amazing soul who passed recently.  Michael was my music producer on all my previous recordings and a close friend for many years.  A true legend, I cannot believe you are gone.  I remember speaking to you about my tune ‘Had Enough’ where I was inspired by a meditation track you created.  You were so touched by the fact I had been inspired by your work, I am just sorry that you never got to hear it.

Life is short, hold close those you care about. Much love.